Ice Nine Kills have had their fair share of covers during their time as a band, turning popular songs into...
Metalcore fresh faces TrueShot are starting the year off with a bang with their newest single “Mirage“. Over the past...
American metalcore band Fear Culture hasn’t stopped grinding this year with the release of another single entitled “Fake It” about...
Christian metalcore group Fallstar has released another single entitled “Waiting” in promotion of their fourth studio album, Sunbreather, set to release...
American soul rock band Foxy Shazam are back from a six year hiatus with a new record entitled, Burn, which...
Internationally renowned hip hop legend and heavy influencer of the emo rap scene, Kid Cudi, has released the newest record...
Does anyone know what year it is currently? Our calendar says the end of 2020, but the return of Attack...
Representing the local metal scenes within Germany, alternative metal band Avalanche Effect have released their third single of 2020, entitled...
Two highly acclaimed singers in the experimental and post hardcore scene, Tilian Pearson, of Dance Gavin Dance, and Anthony Green,...
In what felt like an essential collaboration, singer of Spiritbox, Courtney LaPlante, and film engineer Dylan Hryciuk, did some emotional...
Newly emerging Greek alternative rock group, ayfel, have released their second single this year entitled “Neverland”, following up their 2019...
Too Close To Touch, a once post hardcore group now leaning more into the emo and rock categories, have released...