Anemoria. A 5-piece Progressive Rock band from Orange County, California have recently released their debut EP: Self-Titled (Anemoria) produced by...
After a 2 year wait from their first single: Lemonade, 2-piece progressive rock band from Modesto, California Dwellings, have put...
Wow. These boys music hits you hard and unexpectedly like a fully loaded toaster being hurled at your face! Meet...
EVE is the 7th LP by Emery produced by Matt Carter & Chris Keene set to release 11/09/18 Emery Are:...
Beside Myself is the fourth studio album by English alternative rock band Basement released on October 12th through Fueled by...
Circuitry, a 3-Piece progressive metalcore band from Long Branch, New Jersey release sophomore record: Untouched By Human Hands. The album...
Andrés, our favorite non-problematic bad boy, releases his 2nd full-length album: “Heroes, Villains, And All That Jazz. The album was produced/engineered...
Australian heavy hitters, Polaris, have been on an atmospheric rise through the music scene following the release of their debut...
American metalcore heavy hitters Fit For A King are set to drop their newest record The Path on Friday. The...
When Asking Alexandria announced their latest record, Like a House on Fire, fans across the board seemed to have their...