Televangelist Release Bass Playthrough of SREN

Texas -based experimental indie band, Televangelist, has continued exploring their post hardcore roots lately into a new song entitled SREN, which the group released earlier this year. Bassist Kyle Duncan, is here with us today to help explore the instrumentation behind the song with a bass guitar playthrough of the musical endeavor. You can stream that, and find the lyrics, below.


I can stretch the truth so far
It can get to you
One hand over my chest
To take the best of us

What if heaven’s the black hole
We all crawled out of and you’ve
Got a god complex
You know we’ve always wanted more
And wanted more

I could swear that
Your laugh alone
Would light the room on fire
But I don’t
And I don’t believe in your entity
Although we’ve lived in this house for a while
Incentive’s insane

Oh, I want to keep it secret
And have no one on my tail

I can stretch the truth so far
It can get to you
One hand over my chest
To take the best of us

A dozen roses
And eleven letters later
Holding it down
Such a pleasant nausea
When the church bell sounds
Love is easy and she bites

Zackary Fulkerson, guitarist and vocalist of the project, who also featured as the lead singer on this track, wrote the lyrics and mentioned the following about the meaning of SREN:
“I set out to try loosely depicting the feeling of being looped in a relationship with someone where there seems to be plenty of love but no forgiveness and the way that can amount to trauma bonding.”

Bassist Kyle Duncan also mentioned, “there’s an uneasiness that comes with that type of connection that he [Zackary] really wanted to capture.”

You can stream the official music video for SREN here:

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